Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007

Today's class was informative. I have never blogged or used wikis before. I discused with my group some uses for blogs. The two that I liked and I would be willing to try in my classroom would be to use a blog as a way for students to have a book talks. We have completed literature circles in class in small groups but this would allow the students to react to a story on their own time without teacher assistance. I also like the idea to have the student write a paragraph about a topic and other students can edit or make comments about the paragraph. Third grade students have a hard time making positive constructive comments about others work. This way they can have time to think and say how they feel with out somebody staring them down.


Amy said...

Those are create ideas. They could definitely work in a classroom. I would be excited to see how the students would react to editing a page using a Wiki. It would be great.

Jodi said...

I agree that book talks would be much more fun if the students used a blog to create them. I can see your students getting really excited to post and read the posts of others.

Josh said...

yeah I'm really digging these ideas of using blogs in the classroom. My lesson is one that I actually want to try next year, and have it be a continuois thing up through the school years. I just think kids would get excited about it and perhaps even motivate them to come to school. Who knows that may be a bit far fetched though:)

Wen~ said...

I found an idea that I thought seemed interesting. It said to let the students use blogs to keep track of daily happenings, news,and what was learned. They would be responsible for posting so that the class could have a record of classroom happenings and to allow parents insight into what's going on at school.

Carrie said...

Good ideas for blogging in the classroom. I'm looking forward to blogging in school with students.

Tracey said...

I thought it was very informative! I am excited to hear everyones ideas on how to incorporate them into the classroom. Ideas are floating around in my head. Using them as a review tool, as a reflective tool on how the class is going (do I want this info??), a bridge from class to class--what were areas of difficulty/easiness, or as a diary of what went on in class (thanks Wendy). I have students this year who would have gotten on and been quite forthcoming with their thoughts. I like the idea of everyone being allowed access, instead of just me through the use of email.

Shannon R. said...

Katrina and I have discussed something similar during the Web-based learning class. We had talked about pairing up classes from different schools, and forming a book club online. I think that a blog or wiki would help to implement this plan. I like how simple they are to use and the wonderful organization of a wiki.