Wednesday, May 30, 2007

5/30 Class

It was realy cool tonight when everyone in my group was logged on to our wiki and lookin on at their own compuer to see what was going on. Also, if one person wanted to change something they could hop on and change it and everyone in the group could see it changed. This was much better then waiting for one member of the group to make changes. Also, we could each work on one page while others were working on other pages. This was cool. I enjoyed doing group work this way I did not feel useless waiting for others to finish their parts.


Wen~ said...

I thought it was pretty cool too, Cheryl! Makes everyone able to be productive at once. ;)

Josh said...

I like the fact that we are actually using the tools as we learn about them in class. It is good because we are actually making the connections to real life lessons.

fergusoncd540 said...

I am so sorry that I missed last weeks class. Not only sorry but jealous. I keep reading how everyone enjoyed creating wikis last week. Of all times to miss :(.