Thursday, May 17, 2007

Class 5/16

Last nights class was an overload. I do know that on the first class of the semester I always leave feeling like there will never be enough time to complete everything assigned. But by the end of the semester I have finished it all and don't even know how it happened.

Last night we got into our groups and picked an advocacy project. My group picked Parent Involvement. We decided that children don't come with an instruction manual but some parent need one. We would like to see some parent more involved in their children's education. I am excited to start discussing this topic with my group some more and finding a way to reach these parents.


Bill Warrick said...

Your thoughts on Parent Involvement reminds me of a scene in the movie "Parenthood" (great movie, by the way).... One of the characters talks about the fact that you need a license for a dog, to catch a fish, drive a car, but anyone can have a kid....

You're right about the fact that in schools we often come in contact with students who's parents are ill-equipped for the job and we need to get them involved and active. Great topic!

Wen~ said...

I'm glad we chose this topic. I too am excited to start researching and coming up with ways to encourage some of the parents at my school to become more involved in their child's education. :)

Josh said...

That was a great movie...You and I see exactly the same Cheryl with the thoughts of leaving overwhlemed. I think that we are going to learn so much from the parent advocacy lesson that we are doing. It will be interesting to see some of the things we come up with.

Julie said...

I too left class feeling on the overwhelmed side of things. I look forward to working with my group on our advocacy project. Your topic sounds very interesting. I can't wait to see what you develop. I am always looking for new ways to encourage parent involvement.

Tracey said...

Your topic and our topic of How to increase motivation with parents, students and teachers will mesh nicely. I am excited for this semester. You and I are going to learn so much, Cheryl. Sometimes I think it is a blessing to not know a lot about technology. Just think how far we have come!!!!

Pete said...

I think parental involvement is something that all educators would like to see more of. I look forward to reading, hearing, and seeing your advocacy work.

Unknown said...

I, too, think parental involvement is key to a child's successful education. Too often the parents leave all the learning responsibilities to the teachers when all it takes is some communication and motivation from both, the teachers and the parents.

I can't wait to see what develops from your advocacy project! Great topic!

Wantok said...

You wrote, "We decided that children don't come with an instruction manual but some parent need one."
That is the sad truth. I've just spent 45 minutes talking with a parent who just discovered that her daughter has been failing English 12 all year and will probably not graduate. How does that happen?! Perhaps you can find the answer and include that in your manual's trouble-shooting section.

fergusoncd540 said...

I didn't know that students had parents (LOL!). I thought God had invented a new program where he drops them from the sky at 8:30 and then sucks them back up at 3:50. Kind of like the Magic School Bus. It is sad the way that parents are so busy working that they do not have time for their children. I have one little girl (raised by a single mother) that stays with a babysitter for 2-3 days without seeing her mother because she is working. How do you combat that problem? You know the parent has to work to feed her child, but the child is not being nurtured. I can't wait to see the outcome of your research.